'Kidnapped' is a fantastically exciting book. The story of David Balfour running for his life across the Highlands, sometimes accompanied by tough and rebellious Alan, sometimes pursued by the English army, seemed so visceral and exciting to me that I wanted to try it for myself.
So that is exactly what I am doing. From 30th June to 25th August, I'll be following a route across Scotland from the south western tip of Mull to the outskirts of Edinburgh, as charted in Chapters 14–27 of Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Kidnapped’.
From this blog you'll be able to read and discuss the book itself, listen to extracts being read out in the places the book describes and keep in touch about where I am each day.
Perhaps there's something you'd like me to do or think about whilst I'm walking. Perhaps you'd like me to visit specific sites and film them for you. Or better still, perhaps you'd like to come out here and join me for a walk, add your own responses to being on the Kidnapped Trail and have an adventure of your very own.
That looks so beautiful. So, so, so beautiful!
Wanna get shipwrecked. I wanna get shipwrecked now. Don't care if I have to eat limpets.
Posted by: gaby | 06/30/2009 at 02:17 PM
Just heard the podcast, watched the video of the sandy beach and am beginning to feel a little like ...
As from the house your mother sees
You playing round the garden trees,
So you may see, if you will look
Through the windows of this book,
Another child, far, far away,
And in another garden, play.
But do not think you can at all,
By knocking on the window, call
That child to hear you. He intent
Is all on his play-business bent.
He does not hear, he will not look,
Nor yet be lured out of this book.
Posted by: Marcela Mora y Araujo | 07/01/2009 at 01:47 AM
That's a great beginning - I think it is hard starting something like this, knowing where to begin and what to say. Didn't you just want to stay with that view? Perhaps you've been kidnapped by the book?
Posted by: Trevor | 07/06/2009 at 05:02 PM
Yes, it was tempting to stay on the beach. And yes it is the book that is driving me on. But don't all good books do that: drive you on?
t x
Posted by: kidmapper | 07/07/2009 at 09:04 AM