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May 10, 2008


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This looks amazing, I'm so disappointed I'm not going to be in either place to see it in person. It's such an interesting project and so well documented here. I hope it all goes to plan!
Also, I hope you don't mind I've just put a post up about it spreading the word.

Paul Conneally

Tim and Paul - its so good to see the project nearing this very important 'break through' - today I walked and talked with artist and cultural geographer Maurice Maguire across the site of an old mine now turned into a Discovery Park - we got to talking about the tunnels and iwas encouraged when we touched on thinking about how many miles of coal mining tunnels are actually under the UK - I believe that they would easily strech as far as America - Maurice seems to agree to a degree feeling that would stretch to 'somehwere' .. possibly America - so if we could dig all those miles there is no reason why we couldn't dig all in one line to America - heres a bit of our discussion:


All that's best,


(Paul Conneally)

Paul Conneally

Sorry - this is the discussion link:


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