So here’s the April Fool bit: Paul actually reckons he’s going to build and deliver this whole thing – the tunnel, the Telectroscope, everything:
“I’ve made all these connections. Money couldn’t buy what I’ve managed to do. All the right people. Pretty soon I’ll be able to complete this tunnel and install the Telectroscope that my great grandfather invented and people are going to be able to see from London to New York.”
He says it very earnestly to me. So earnestly that I write it down. He makes me wish I could be so earnest and elevated about my own work, not stuck in my own little underground tunnel. Perhaps this project is a way for me to dig my way out, connect to something bigger and brighter...
So what do we think? Will he finish his tunnel by May? Will we get to see London from New York – and vice versa?
Do you believe in the Telectroscope?
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